By Lucy Turner
Empire State Building will turn blue in honor of Human Rights Watch
on December
10, 2013. © 2013 Empire State Building
year GHRD welcomed news from Bangladesh that Hijras are now a recognized
separate gender. Hijras, who are neither male nor female, from now on will be
considered as a separate gender in Bangladesh. After Malala Yousafzai spoke at
the United Nations this year on her 16th birthday about the power of
education, the world seemed to listen; Pakistan’s Prime Minister Sharif made a
breakthrough commitment that the country would double its education budget from
2% to 4% of its GDP by 2018 - an increase of approximately $4 billion. Nepal’s
introduction of a third gender classification for passports marked further
progress for LGBT rights.
Malala Yousafzau at Oval Office October 2013 |
Around the world today people will contemplate human rights past,
present and future. Our partners in South Asia will be hosting events, whilst
we are holding events in the Netherlands. And there is cause for celebration:
much has changed since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights in 1948, and much progress has been made, but there is far to go.
International Human Rights Day is for celebration, looking forward to a more
equitable world, and sharing messages of solidarity and hope.
December 1950 - United Nations International Nursery School, New York: Children of United Nations staff members looking at a poster of Universal declaration of Human Rights |
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity
and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 1, Universal
Declaration of Human Rights
Disclaimer: Blog posts do not necessarily reflect the views of Global Human Rights Defence.
Disclaimer: Blog posts do not necessarily reflect the views of Global Human Rights Defence.